Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 9

Hi there we are doing well and getting ready for the Sunday services here. Doreen will be speaking at the mother church and there could be 2000 in the two service that she will be speaking at Joel will be speaking at a smaller church and I will be speaking at our host church. We had a great day today i was able to help in a baptism service which was a real honor. Following the baptism we went to visit the Watoto (children) there was 40 of them gathered we were able to present them some toys and share with them. It was a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would be interested in the temp and what season they are in right now.Is it mostly agriculture? What is their produce? Is the harvest done? How big of a town or city are you in? Do the people speak English at all? Is unemployment a problem? Is drought a problem? Do the children all go to school?
I am Joel and Laura's, aunt Bertha